John Aquila
JoinedPosts by John Aquila
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
Did an EX-JW wake you up to TTATT or did you put the effort to wake up yourself?
by John Aquila inhow many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
John Aquila
How many of us were woken up by some Apostate yelling “False Prophets” at a convention?
How many of us were woken up by someone holding a Sign and yelling, “What happened to 1975”
How many of us were coerced to investigate the WT because some EX-JW pulled up a bunch of OLD Watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?
How many of us would listen when we were told we were in a cult?
How many of us would even listen to an EX-JW aka-Apostate?
In our view the whole world was lying in the power of the wicked one.
I’ve been noticing that most of us took the initiative to explore the Watchtower either on the internet or in a book published by an EX-JW like COC by Ray Franz not because someone recommended it to us but because WE WANTED TO INVESTIGATE. No one forced us and no one encouraged us. It was all us.
What usually happens is that “WE”
see the hypocrisy or the inconsistencies in the organization or
we or a family member is treated unjustly by someone in the Kingdom Hall, like by some elder, or judicially by elders or
we notice a “Change” that really affected us, (Think Overlapping Generation)
and eventually it starts the process of opening our eyes and it leads us to exploring information either in book form or internet.
So it seems that the majority of us took the initiative by ourselves, when we were fed up and ready to explore the Watchtower on our own without anyone’s permission.
But very few of us were woken up by some EX-JW-Apostate.
Perhaps this will give us an idea on how to help those we love that are still trapped in the cult. It has to be kept simple. Just like waking up a baby from a deep sleep. Shout, and he cries, picking him up slowly and caressing him softly will make him more responsive.
How many of you were woken by an Apostate?
How many of you took the initiative on your own to wake up?
How many of us are 'perfectionists'?
by FayeDunaway ini made a medium level mistake at work today, and when i make mistakes it really shakes me up and takes me a long time to recover.
it completely rattles me, makes me feel awful about myself.
my mind keeps going back to the mistake reliving how i could have let it happen.
John Aquila
Faye, I was just thinking about that recently. I used to be a perfectionist big time, I mean everything had to be just right, otherwise I would go crazy thinking about it.
I'm not so much anymore and I was trying to figure out WHY. What happened to me that I'm not like that anymore? What did I do to change that part of my personality?
I have a hypothesis. Since I woke up two years ago, I've read tons of books on all kinds of subjects. Books on Psychology, Anthropology, Biology, criminal behavior, history, culture, and I think it has slowly changed my thinking without me being aware of it.I started noticing that Non-jw perfection is totally different from WT perfection.
The WT focuses a lot on striving for perfection not just in this life but during the 1000 year reign. Remember the illustration that all humans MISS the MARK of PERFECTION. How did that make you feel? I know for me, it made me feel like I had to do better and I had to try harder to get closer to the Bullseye.It was never ending.
This has a major effect on the members. As a former elder, you would be surprise how many times I heard the words, "But I'm Imperfect, I'm a sinner, I missed the mark. This was for little things. Like a sister would confess that she had bad thoughts when she saw a handsome man, or a brother who confessed that he had a dream about another woman. A lot of the friends wanted to be "Perfect" according to the WT definition of perfection. That idea was ingrained in us in a very subtly way and I think a lot of us don't realize the powerful effects the idea of WT perfection had on our lives.
They really messed us up didn't they.
Is the end of Watchtowers hated No Blood doctrine in sight?
by nicolaou ini won't pretend to know things that i don't but just look at the incredible rate of change we've witnessed recently.
it seems that since candace conti and the australian royal commission the watchtower are scrabbling around to shore up their finances in the face of unprecedented legal action against them.. abuse settlement claims are one thing but what happens when children die as a result of your religious teachings?!
you can bet wt legal are arguing for a complete rewrite of policy to protect the organisation from litigation.. do you think their religious privilege will protect them forever?
John Aquila
They will "Never" come out and change it in a straight forward manner. They will put some type of spin to it. For example they might say;
A blood transfusion is acceptable if the Blood has been fractionated in a sterilized container to recognize its use as something holy to Jehovah. If such is the case, then the conscience of some--- might allow them to accept a blood transfusion with the understanding that blood belongs to Jehovah and just like the Israelites shared a burnt offering with the priest, a dedicated member will share the blood sacrifice with the Great High Priest, Jesus.
New Light
My mom passed away yesterday....
by minimus inthank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
John Aquila
My condolences, sorry for your loss. -
If you were ‘God’, what would you do?
by JWchange inthis post is not meant to be blasphemous to non-atheists on this forum , just philosophical.
i refer to a god rather than the creator.
it;s 10,000 years in the future and you are a phd student with a brain the size of a planet, that has incredible technology at your fingertips to create life, similar to humans living today or better, intelligently and physically.
John Aquila
They were also created to give specific power and prominence over select individuals (ie.Hebrews) who were said to be connecting seers to these supernatural beings.The other reasons are tolerable, but this one just pisses me off.
If I were God I would appear at set times to hear to resolve any problems that humanity had to deal with, stop animals from killing one anther for food and made sure all beer and pizza were free.
Where do I sign for worship.
If you were ‘God’, what would you do?
by JWchange inthis post is not meant to be blasphemous to non-atheists on this forum , just philosophical.
i refer to a god rather than the creator.
it;s 10,000 years in the future and you are a phd student with a brain the size of a planet, that has incredible technology at your fingertips to create life, similar to humans living today or better, intelligently and physically.
John Aquila
Hmmmn, which one of those best describes the biblical god?
If you were a cruel "god" you would torture them for your twisted entertainment.
All 144,000 are on earth while the Great Multitude is in heaven
by Doug Mason inwhy do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
John Aquila
Thanks Jan, I didn't know that.
Doug Mason; No, it was not Paul who said women could not teach. That was written by a misogynist at the end of the first century who pretended to be Paul.
So I guess what your saying Doug is that although Paul wrote 1 Timothy, someone else inserted these words into Paul's letter;
1 Tim 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
That wouldn't be far-fetch since the WT has inserted Jehovah into the NT about 300 time I believe.
All 144,000 are on earth while the Great Multitude is in heaven
by Doug Mason inwhy do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
John Aquila
Hey Doug, what was the deal with women back then in the Jewish nation? Why was having sex with women a bad thing. The other nations didn't have a problem with it. The whole Bible seems to either blame women-EVE, see them as unclean - Babylon the harlot, and they couldn't even teach according to Paul.
by Terry inon (new testament scholar) bart ehrman's blog, the topic of luke's view of the purpose of jesus'.
death has been discussed.. in that discussion, ehrman points out how luke did not set forth the idea of atonement, rather luke set forth the idea of forgiveness.. on the other hand, mark and paul teach atonement.. these two points of view have been "mashed together" into a package deal, apparently, throughout history by theologians.. _________________________.
someone pays a debt owed by another.
John Aquila
I could never wrap around the idea of forgiveness. Forgiveness for what, what did I do??
Atonement = pay my debt. I never borrowed anything from God.
But your right, I always noticed that Luke talks about a preaching work that is different from the preaching work that Matthew talks about.
(Luke 24:47) . . .and on the basis of his name repentance for forgiveness of sins would be preached in all the nations. . .
(Matthew 24:14) 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; . . .Luke preaches forgiveness while Matthew preaches the Kingdom.
Paul was good at tying in the sacrifices of Jewish Law with the death of Jesus and Mark evidently adopted Paul's views since they hung around quit a bit.
(Acts 12:25) . . .As for Bar′na·bas and Saul, after having fully carried out the relief ministration in Jerusalem, they returned and took along with them John, the one surnamed Mark.